Why You Should Add Foot Care to Your New Year’s Resolutions
While the new year is fresh, it’s a good time to think about how you care for yourself. Whether or not you make New Year’s resolutions is up to you, but there’s no harm in reassessing your body’s needs and making new routines to fit changing circumstances. If you’re ready to incorporate self-care resolutions into your daily routine, we suggest adding some foot care goals into the mix. Taking care of your feet doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Let’s talk about reasons why foot care is important and how you can give your tootsies some TLC.
Your feet are the foundation of your body
If you are one of the lucky ones, you use your feet every day to go wherever you want. Those of us who have full functionality of our feet and legs may forget just how lucky we are to have that mobility. If you’ve ever had an injury thats disrupted that mobility, then you know firsthand how much it impacts your daily life to accommodate that injury or disability. As one gets older, it’s important to respond promptly to arch pain, toe pain, or other sensations that could result in a larger injury if untreated. If you have untreated foot injuries, or have developed new foot pain, it’s important to seek the opinion of your doctor or podiatrist. Untreated injuries could impact your overall mobility, which could spiral into other health conditions. This year add foot care goals, and some Dr. Francis Foot CBD to your daily regimen so you can stay active and mobile.
The health of your feet impact your whole body
When you think of your overall health, it can be easy to forget that every part of your body is intricately tied to the rest — that includes your feet. Signals sent to your brain from the nerves and receptors in your feet can impact your organs and spine as your body attempts to adjust to the pain signals. It’s one more reason why taking care of your feet should be a priority in your life.
If you’re noticing a change in your arch or are feeling tingling in your feet, it could mean that your arches may be falling and/or you have pinching in the spine that’s causing the tingling sensation in your feet. It’s important to speak to a doctor and maintain a stretching routine to keep your spine (and therefore your feet) in healthy condition.
Your feet may be the canary in the coal mine
Many conditions and diseases have symptoms that show up in your feet. Excessive swelling, cracking, dry, blistered, stinging/tingling, or smelly feet can be a clue that there is an imbalance in your body that needs to be addressed or corrected. Some conditions, like diabetes, may eventually result in the loss of blood flow to the extremities — which could result in necrosis and amputation. We hope that by adding some self-care resolutions to your routine, you may be able to ward off serious illness or injury to your feet.
5 ways to care for your feet
Our foot care goals are simple. Keep feet clean, free of fungus, and injury-free. To do that there are a few simple things you can do on a regular basis that will help in the long-run.
Wash your feet and toes regularly with warm soapy water
Whether you wash them in the bath/shower, or set time aside to wash your feet alone, a good scrub with warm soapy water is the first step in taking care of your feet. Just like the rest of your body, your feet can pick up dirt, bacteria, and create sweat that builds up quickly sitting in your socks and shoes and lead to smelly foot odor. Thats why — in our new self-care resolutions — it’s important to thoroughly scrub your feet with warm soapy water prior to the next few steps.
Trim your toenails & soak with hydrogen peroxide
Keeping your toenails clean, trimmed, and fungus-free is an important part of proper foot hygiene. Using the right tools, like a slant-tipped tweezers, rounded point scissors, fingernail clippers, and a nail file can help you to clear away long toenails, dead skin around your nails, and dirt, bacteria, or lint that has found its way under your nails. Don’t use tools that aren’t meant for your feet. Not only can they carry bacteria or rust that can give you an infection, but they can cause an injury. Once your toes are trimmed and cleaned, create a mixture of 1 part peroxide to 3 parts water. Then, soak your feet for approximately 5 minutes to let the peroxide do its work fighting against bacteria and fungus.
Remove dead scaly skin with a pumice stone or bristle brush
With your freshly hydrated, washed, trimmed, and sanitized feet, it’s time to remove dead and scaly skin with a pumice stone. Wet the pumice stone and rub it on your wet calluses/corns on the heel, sides, ball, and toes with medium pressure for approximately three minutes or until you’re satisfied. Rinse the pumice stone periodically. This will remove the dead skin, giving your feet a softer feel. Do a final rinse when done.
Dry your feet thoroughly
When you’re done grooming your feet and toes, it’s time to dry them thoroughly. Don’t leave any excess water or soap around your toenails, between your toes, or on your feet. Fungus loves warm damp environments. Properly drying your feet is a crucial step in reducing the likelihood of developing athlete’s foot.
Moisturize and provide relief with Foot CBD
It’s time to leave your foot with a proper layer of moisture and some pain-reducing CBD. Dr. Francis Foot CBD is made with highly-absorbent Emu oil and is packed with cannabinoids that help to support your endocannabinoid system. Many anecdotal testimonials suggest that this CBD/Emu oil formula helps to reduce pain without clogging your pores or sweat glands.
Now that you have the proper tools to hit your foot care goals, we know you’ll feel the benefits of self care resolutions all year long. Taking care of your feet has never been easier. Grab yourself some Dr. Francis Foot CBD and make this year a healthy one!