Gift Dr. Francis Foot CBD for the Holidays
Our poor feet. At best, we ignore them, and at worst, we abuse them. We beat them up, scrape them up, shove them into uncomfortable shoes. Those neglected little tootsies of ours are made up of multiple tendons, 19 muscles, 107 ligaments, 33 joints and 52 bones — That’s a quarter of all the bones in our entire body! And yet, how often do we even think about our feet? Not often. Unless, of course, they give us pain or problems. Then they’re pretty much all we can think about. Then we’re reminded of them with literally every step we take. Foot pain affects mobility and can keep you from not only enjoying your everyday life, but can interfere with you being able to accomplish even the simplest of daily activities such as shopping, exercising or taking care of your kids. Footcare CBD gifts are a great way to counteract the torture we put our feet through!
Common foot problems that often arise can include symptoms such as:
- Pain
- Numbness
- Swelling
- Inflammation
- Dryness
- Itching
Dr. Francis started his own company promoting CBD for foot health because he has always been a big believer in the natural benefits of hemp. His mission was to give his patients a holistic foot care alternative to the many medications commonly prescribed that carry with them a multitude of side effects. Dr. Francis spent years researching the unique needs of the foot and, being both a chemist and a podiatric surgeon, he combined his scientific and medicinal knowledge with the best laboratories around, and then meticulously hand-selected only the finest ingredients in order to create a line of amazingly powerful and effective holistic foot care products.
CBD has been shown to be an excellent addition to an individual’s health and wellness routine because it interacts directly with the receptors in our ECS — or endocannabinoid system. Our ECS receptors are responsible for regulating various vital functions within our body. As far as feet go, CBD can be incredibly beneficial because it has both pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. And while CBD is derived from hemp, it does not elicit the same psychoactive properties as THC. In other words, CBD provides all the relief available from the cannabis plant but it does not get you “high.” No need to worry about passing a drug test or the legality of having it shipped through the mail.
Popular Footcare CBD Gift Options
CBD is starting to appear more and more in a variety of products and a myriad of places — but not all CBD is created equally. A low price is not always the wisest choice and a high price is not always indicative of quality. You want premium-grade CBD at affordable pricing. You want products that not only make big claims but have 3rd party testing to back it up. You want a CBD product specifically designed for the area of the body you are looking to treat and that actually offers the results that you need. You get all that and more with the curated line of Dr. Francis Foot CBD.
While Dr. Francis Foot CBD is a generous gift that would be well received at any time of year, Christmas is always a great time to show your friends and loved ones just how much you care. Consider a Dr. Francis Foot CBD gift for:
- Your partner
- Your parents
- Your mail carrier
- Your favorite server at your favorite restaurant
- Your doctor
- Your dentist
Anyone who spends any amount of time on their feet would be grateful for the gift of healing.
Choose from these footcare CBD gifts:
Dr. Francis Foot & Body Butter
This rich and creamy pure and organic lotion nourishes and protects skin without ever feeling greasy. It’s made with the highest quality hemp oil, and is especially perfect for anyone suffering from neuropathic symptoms as it will never clog sweat glands like many other lotions. It contains premium ingredients that work to retain moisture and protect skin from the elements like cold weather, hot weather or dry air. It is ultra-rich, easy to apply, has a bright fresh scent and contains 100mg of CBD for the ultimate in healing.
Dr. Francis Foot & Body Cool Relief Roll-On
Highly effective for relieving aches such as sore muscles, bruises, stiffness and strains, this roll-on gel is one of a kind. Made with 500mg of CBD and menthol, it has a crisp and invigorating fragrance, works instantly to relieve discomfort and is conveniently packaged to take with you wherever you go. It truly is the next generation of pain relief.
Dr. Francis Intensive Relief Foot & Body Rub
A powerful and effective approach to relieving even the toughest aches and discomforts, this premium relief rub contains a whopping 1,000mg of hemp-derived CBD and the finest ingredients available including Emu oil. Formulated in an airless pump, this scent-free rub is fast and easy to use, soothes on contact, and can be used as often as needed to truly soothe whatever ails you.
Dr. Francis Premium Combo Bundle
Why choose when you can have it all? This bundle contains the Foot & Body Butter, the Cool Relief Roll-On and the Intensive Body Rub, all together and at significant savings. You can have everything you need any time you need it, and truly treat yourself or someone you love with the ultimate in healing from head to toe.
All footcare CBD gifts from the Dr. Francis Foot CBD line are made with premium quality hemp-derived CBD and tested and guaranteed to contain less than 0.3% THC — and you don’t just have to take our word for it — you can view the Certificates of Analysis right online. Shipping is always free on any order over $60, and you can always call, email, reach out through social media or send a message if you ever have any questions or need any product guidance. You can cross everyone off your Xmas list all at once, or treat yourself to something special and well deserved, simply by heading on over to the Dr. Francis Foot CBD website and making a self-care purchase from the comfort of your couch without ever having to leave your house, any time of day or night, 24/7. What could be more convenient than that? Gift a Dr. Francis Foot CBD product today and be the best Santa ever.